Posted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:44 pm Post subject: Nesting for too long!
hi all!
my female kakarikis parrot has been in her box for two months now and has not layed an egg. i have seen her mating with her partner and she has been kicking out nesting material (i presume for preperational perposes??) but she hasnt layed a thing... could it be because its winter? but i didnt think this was the case as they are all year round breeders.
and another thing that has come to my attention is that she has kicked that much nesting material out that there is barely anything left in the box!... should i keep filling it up or is it safe for the chicks to have barely anything if the female wishes???
thankyou for all your answers!! i have been using a mixture of dead and alive native grasses which they enjoy as they have nested in them before... ok thatnks for the info about the weather and that steptoe....its a real help! its a box that is about 30cmhigh ( the hole is about 20cm from the bottom....and 20cmwide... its deffinatly big enough!
so how should i prevent the kaks from kicking out nesting material?
thankyou for your imput rednut... its all a help! and i do agree with you all the way on that one and steptoe i will fill up the nesting boxes with the material you have listed!!! thankyou all!!
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